Rustic Gentlemen - Splitting Wood

My two roommates and I have been working on a collaboration project of documenting our lives on the farm we are temporarily are living on. Here is the video I did for our second weeks update. Enjoy!

Mary Ann - Really Live - A Justin & Mary Promo

Justin & Mary reached out to me at the end of last year asking about me doing some more video work for them. They wanted a handful of promos done. Since they are the best clients in the world I didn't even think twice about it.
I was fortunate enough to have this experience. One of the promo videos they wanted was for their motivational talk they give at WPPI a big photographer's event. They had the idea of interviewing a very influential woman named Mary Ann Wasil Nilan who founded The Get In Touch Foundation, and is about to have her first book published. Be sure to check out the website for her foundation and keep an eye out for her book.
Watch my video below and don't forget to share. Thanks!

Last June I moved to the place where I grew up. It's a small farm in the country. Despite it being in the country it's a five minute drive from the highway that can get me to either Boston or New York City in a flash so I can maintain progress on my career while still tending to the farm while my Dad is away. When I moved my two friends Chad, a writer, and Billy, a photographer decided to move in with me. There was no way I'd take on this farm without friends around. After being here a handful of months we decided we should create a creative project that would keep all of us creating regularly. What better subject than our lives on the farm as creatives. We decided to start a blog that follows us on our adventures and capture each moment in the most creative way we know how. Chad will be writing a short story about a selected event, I will film it, and Billy will photograph it. Then we upload all three mediums. This project is meant for us to not only share what we experience here, but to push ourselves creatively. I hope you enjoy our story. Check out the blog here ...

Also check out my video for the release. Enjoy and share!

Kara Portrait

Here it is! The portrait video I did of Kara chillin out. I hope you all enjoy. Remember to share!

Chilling with Kara

This last Sunday I went up to chill out with Kara and do our 2nd annual video on the Super Bowl. It's gonna be awesome so get ready. In the mean time enjoy this video still.


And if you're still bored go watch the video we did last year.
